- Renewed a little more often to get my items to the top of the "heap".
- Added more brand new items to keep my shop "fresh".
- I have a giveaway going right now which is driving traffic to my blog.
- Lowered my shipping slightly.
Interesting to note:
- Stayed off the Etsy forums. I only post there occasionally.
- Did not put links to any items on Twitter, but responded to people's "Tweets".
- I was not on the front page, never have been.
- I was not in any gift guides, never have been.
- I was in one treasury.
- There is no magic formula. You need to figure out what works for your own shop and your individual product. It takes time to experiment with different methods of promotion and even then I find it difficult to know why I've had some success.
- Learn how to take fantastic photos of your products.
- Have an excellent quality product that meets or exceeds your photos.
- Provide outstanding customer service and I mean outstanding.
Now as I look towards another year, I ask myself, "What is a realistic goal for March, 2010?" My answer for this is to double my sales and hit 300 by this time next year. Think I can do it?
This quote seems to sum up what I'm trying to say:
"The great successful men of the world have used their imagination…they think ahead and create their mental picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that a bit, but steadily building - steadily building." Robert Collier
Note: The necklace in the photo is a gift for a young friend on mine who is going through a difficult time. I engraved the word "faith" on the back for her but the symbol of the bird can mean many things. Birds have the freedom to soar and be taken to great heights just as we would like to do in our personal, spiritual, and business lives.