Friday, April 10, 2009


It's Good Friday today and as a Christian, I can't think of a more obvious fingerprint from God than the story of salvation: God's love for the world, God's gift of His only Son Jesus, and the opportunity for anyone who believes to be saved. There are many to whom this is not obvious but they are entitled to their opinion and hopefully will respect mine.

This is one of the most quoted salvation scriptures from John 3:16 that sums it up perfectly:

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

We'll be attending Good Friday services tonight. These services are usually pretty somber and difficult for me as I think about the pain and suffering Jesus went through to carry out His Father's plan. The mood will be much more joyous 3 days from now when we attend Resurrection Sunday Services (Easter) to celebrate His victory over death.

Receiving good news is so much easier isn't it? We always want to hear the happy stuff. On Good Friday, we are called to remember the Cost which makes the Victory that much sweeter.

So look around you and see where YOU can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Where do you see them? Thank you to Pampering Beki for hosting this each week! Everyone is welcome to join. To see how to join, as well as find links to other Fingerprint Friday posts, visit Pampering Beki's blog.


  1. What a beautiful blog. Happy Easter to you all.

  2. I love your fingerprint friday post, you say it all so well! My kids are now 13 and 16, and although Easter was very memorable with egg hunts and huge Easter baskets, it's nice to devote the whole holiday with the true meaning of Easter now that they have outgrown the bunny stuff. I do miss dressing my daughter up in the beautiful Easter dresses and bonnets though.
    Happy Easter to you and your family!

  3. Beautiful said.

    You're right that Easter is such a bittersweet time.

  4. What a journey Jesus made in those three days...from the crown of thorns to a King's crown...from feeling abandoned by His father to being are right, what a precious message we have in this Easter season. Have a wonderful holiday!

  5. Lovely post today. I hope you have a wonderful Easter!

  6. Awesome post! Happy Easter to you and your family!

  7. a high cost, a precious price, a beautiful freedom, and victory in christ! amen beautifully said! happy easter :)

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